这里是丁香园「医周一句 · Clinical Pearls」栏目的第 46 期。今天我们来聊聊跟青霉素过敏有关的话题。
青霉素可以说是 20 世纪医疗界最伟大的发明之一!但由于青霉素的致敏率非常高,因此在医院注射青霉素之前必须要先皮试。
本来青霉素过敏已经很不友好了,可是,最近著名医学杂志 The BMJ还发表了一篇文章说道:对于青霉素过敏的人来说,被超级细菌感染的风险居然更大!
Penicillin allergy is the most commonly documented drug allergy, reported by about 10% of patients. In this population based cohort study, a listed penicillin allergy was associated with a statistically significantly increased risk of MRSA and C compared with patients matched by age, sex, and study entry time.
Approximately one third to more than one half of this risk was attributed to use of non-β lactam antibiotics administered to outpatients. As infections with resistant organisms increase, systematic efforts to confirm or rule out the presence of true penicillin allergy may be an important public health strategy to reduce the incidence of MRSA and C difficile.
在这项大型队列研究当中,研究者选取了 1995-2015 年之前 18 岁以上超过 1000 万患者进行了统计分析。
结果表明,比起正常人,有青霉素过敏史的人感染超级细菌的风险将大大增加!其中,感染耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的风险提升 69%,感染难辨梭菌(C difficile)的风险提升 26%。
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Kimberly G Blumenthal, Na Lu, Yuqing Zhang, et al. Risk of meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile in patients with a documented penicillin allergy: population based matched cohort study[J]. 2018