50 Years of HBV: What’s New?

2011.12.28 50 Years of HBV: What’s New?

50 Years of HBV What’s New-1Learning Objectives-2Characteristics of a Successful Organ-3Natural History and Epidemiology-4Disease Progression-5Complications of HBV-6CHB Is A Dynamic Disease-7Global Burden of Chronic Hepatitis B-8The World According to HBV-9 ...

Hepatitis B vaccination an alternative (re)view

2011.12.28 Hepatitis B vaccination an alternative (re)view

Hepatitis B vaccination an alternative (re)view-1The principal actors-2Overview of the presentation-2HBV - Hepatocyte interactions-2hepatitis B Particle Types-3HBV genome organization-4The HBV infectious cycle-5Viral clearance without destruction of infect ...

HBV 的变异及其耐药的诊治

2011.12.28 HBV 的变异及其耐药的诊治

HBV 的变异及其耐药的诊治-1变异是病毒重要生物学特征之一-2变异株 ≠ 突变株-3病毒感染的持久性及耐药性-4耐药分析-5Lamivudine and wild-type HBV(一)-6Lamivudine and wild-type HBV(二)-7Lamivudine and YMDD variant HBV-8病毒耐药性的诊断-9耐药变异的检测方法-10LightCycler Detection Formats-11YMDD变异检测结果-12YMDD变异检 ...

HBV, HCV/HIV Coinfection

2011.12.28 HBV, HCV/HIV Coinfection

HBV HCV HIV Coinfection-1Epidemiology-2Liver disease a major cause of death in the HAART era-3Routes of Transmission-4Transmissibility through contaminated injections-5Hepatitis B Virus-6Hepatitis B Virus-7HBV Disease-8Chronic Hepatitis B Definition-9Geogr ...

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B Vaccine

2011.12.28 Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B Vaccine

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B Vaccine-1Note to presenters-2Hepatitis B-3Hepatitis B Virus-4Hepatitis B Virus Infection-5Hepatitis B Virus-6Hepatitis B Clinical Features-7Hepatitis B Complications-8Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection-9Risk of Chronic HBV Carriage by ...

Hepatitis B Viruss Discovery and Development

2011.12.28 Hepatitis B Viruss Discovery and Development

HEPATITIS B VIRUS-1HEPATITIS B VIRUS-2HEPATITIS B VIRUS MORPHOLOGY-3HEPATITIS B VIRUS MORPHOLOGY-4the hunt of a killer virus-5global distribution of chronic infection-6HBV is one of the most common infections in the world-7PREDICTED DEATHS FROM PREVALENT CARRIERS OF HIV AND HBV ...

Hepatitis B what GI nurses Need to Know

2011.12.28 Hepatitis B what GI nurses Need to Know

Hepatitis B- what GI nurses Need to Know-1Hepatitis B-2Hepatitis B -3Global Impact of Hepatitis B-4hepatitis B virus-5Korean Mummy Found With HBV-6geographic prevalence of chronic hepatitis b may be impacted by migration-7Prevalence of HBV in immigrant populations-8Chronic HBV ...



NEW INSIGHTS INTO TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS B-1Disclosures-2geographic distribution-3Chronic Hepatitis B in Asia-Pacific-4hepatitis b case rates-5Chronic Hepatitis B-6Hepatitis B Virus-7Hepatitis B Virus-8HBV GenotypesEpidemiology-9Phases of Chronic Hepati ...

ofile, grading & investigations in hepatitis B

2011.12.28 ofile, grading & investigations in hepatitis B

Kar:clinical profile grading investigations in hepatitis B-1Kar:clinical profile grading investigations in hepatitis B-2Kar:clinical profile grading and investigations in hepatitis B-3Kar:clinical profile grading and investigations in hepatitis B-4Kar:clin ...


2011.12.28 抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法

抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法-1治疗对象-2病例入选条件-3病例入选条件-4终止疗法条件-5终止疗法条件-6不能入选的条件-7治疗方法 -8治疗方法 -9终止治疗条件-10终止治疗条件-11治疗方法-12单一抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法-13单一疗法适应症-14联合疗法-15联合疗法方案-16联合疗法方案-17慢乙肝 抗HBV免疫低下-18联合疗法方案-19观察指标与观察方法-20肝功能-21肝功能-22HBV抗原特异性CTL及特异 ...

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